Requirements for Discipline


Discipline Determines  your Destiny 

Last time we have read about Discipline and what happens without discipline.

Now let’s see some more things about Discipline 

Remember Discipline leads to production, production leads to success and success leads influence 

 God Called you to be influencer.

Requirements for discipline: 

Definite Goals 
Detach from Distractions 
Pursue with Diligence 
Be Consistent 
Practice Self- control.
Say “No” in the power of the Holy Spirit 

Rewards for Discipline:

A life style that is more orderly and less stressful 
You feel good about yourself 

Discipline is the Godly way to live your life 

More productive 
Positive impact on others 
Open doors of opportunity 
Reach our Goals 

 Start Disciplining your life with small steps so that you will be God called influencer.

Keep watching for the next blog.



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