Discipline: Simple tweaks to Destiny


In this world of competition everyone wants to be on the top of the world, successful, prosperous and famous.

Success and above said qualities doesn’t come easy. They demand hard work and sacrifices.

It is discipline that determines your destiny.

If you observe the lives of successful people you can learn what sacrifices they have made and the way they disciplined their lives.

Discipline is not something which can be achieved easily.

If we want to fulfill the plan of God in our lives  we need to discipline our life.

Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians says “All athletes are disciplined in their training”, when you discipline you run to win.

There are two types of disciplines: 

• Self discipline: Personal training that develops self control and character and results in an orderly efficient life.
• Divine Discipline: Gods corrective measures (Hebrews 12:5)

God does not practice self discipline on us, discipline is practice.

If you are not growing in that area you are not disciplined in that area.

So if we want to achieve anything in life the most important thing that you cannot miss is discipline, yes you need to plan, set goals etc. But, without discipline you cannot achieve your desires.

Whatever you discipline your life about, will determine the value you place on it 

Some of the things that happens when you don’t have discipline 

Without discipline we follow carnal desires 
Without discipline we defend our wrong doings. 
Without discipline we make financial mistakes. 
Without discipline we suffer health.
Without discipline we perform poorly at jobs
Without discipline we are overlooked for advancement 
Without discipline we develop Slothful habits.
Without discipline we are Reckless in our speech.
Without discipline We are always late.
Without discipline We waste time and energy.
Without discipline Ruin our testimony.
In the coming blog we will discuss about requirements and rewards of Discipline .


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