
Requirements for Discipline

  Discipline Determines  your Destiny  Last time we have read about Discipline and what happens without discipline. Now let’s see some more things about Discipline  Remember Discipline leads to production, production leads to success and success leads influence   God Called you to be influencer. Requirements for discipline:  -  Definite Goals  -  Detach from Distractions  -  Pursue with Diligence  -  Be Consistent  -  Practice Self- control. -  Say “No” in the power of the Holy Spirit  Rewards for Discipline: -  A life style that is more orderly and less stressful  -  You feel good about yourself  Discipline is the Godly way to live your life  -  More productive  -  Positive impact on others  -  Open doors of opportunity  -  Reach our Goals   Start Disciplining your life with small steps so that you will be God called influencer....

Discipline: Simple tweaks to Destiny

  In this world of competition everyone wants t o  be on the top  of the world,  successful ,  prosperous and famous. Success and above  said qualities  doesn ’t come easy .   They  demand   hard work and sacrifices . It is discipline  that  determines you r  destiny. If you observe the li v es of succe ss ful people  you can learn what sacrifices they have made and the way they disciplined their lives. Discipline is not something w hich can be achieved easily. If we w ant to  fulfill the plan of God in  our lives   we need  to  discipline  our life. Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians  9  says  “All athletes are disciplined in their training”, when you discipline you run to win . There are two  types of  disciplines:  •  Self discipline : Personal training that develops self control and character and results in an orderly efficient life. •  Divine D...