
Showing posts from November, 2020

Discipline: Simple tweaks to Destiny

  In this world of competition everyone wants t o  be on the top  of the world,  successful ,  prosperous and famous. Success and above  said qualities  doesn ’t come easy .   They  demand   hard work and sacrifices . It is discipline  that  determines you r  destiny. If you observe the li v es of succe ss ful people  you can learn what sacrifices they have made and the way they disciplined their lives. Discipline is not something w hich can be achieved easily. If we w ant to  fulfill the plan of God in  our lives   we need  to  discipline  our life. Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians  9  says  “All athletes are disciplined in their training”, when you discipline you run to win . There are two  types of  disciplines:  •  Self discipline : Personal training that develops self control and character and results in an orderly efficient life. •  Divine D...